
The future of sales when the 19th hole is out of bounds – Sales for the Vaccine Economy

It is getting old to say that Covid has changed everything. I know. I get it. 

But, the reality of it forces us to look at what has changed and will continue to stay changed, if you will, after we have all had our vaccines.  Normal will not be the same as it was before. How will that influence your B2B sales processes? 

One of my favorite reasons for sharing this article is because of Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff’s quote. I added it here because it is so important to the future of sales success. 

“If I could rewind history over the last 22 years, I would have enforced a much more significant digital discipline for our sales organization. I think that when we look back at all of the time and energy we spent physically getting on airplanes, getting in cars, going to people’s offices, having a breakfast or a lunch or a dinner, waiting to try to make a C-level sales call, [then] when you look today at the level of access that you have in organizations to conduct B2B sales, I mean it’s all [about] the capability when you’re digitally-enabled – you can go anywhere, just much, much faster.”

51% of sales reps expect to travel a lot less than they did before when we get back to “normal.”  What does this mean for your sales team?

You need to start using digital sales strategies ASAP!

When used well and at scale for your team, these new strategies (or modern strategies) perform better. 

New Sales Strategies:

  • Buyers engaging sellers because of content they share
  • Social Networks
  • Social Messaging
  • Social Video
  • Warm referrals

Old Strategies

  • Cold call
  • Cold Email
  • Email blasts
  • Attending live networking events
  • Asking for a referral

Which side is your sales team on? Your success depends on it!  

This article is published on:https://diginomica.com/future-sales-when-19th-hole-out-bounds-salesforce-repositions-sales-cloud-vaccine-economy

Re-pitching Sales Cloud for the Vaccine Economy.

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