
Best Sales Tools: The Complete List (2021 Update)

Sales is tough. It takes a lot to be a consistent producer.  

You need to be diligent, have thick skin, be empathetic and have a big dose of drive.  You need to be aware of your buyer’s needs and goals. You need to take rejection well and you need to know that listening is more important than talking. 

There are also a bunch of tools that you can use to be better at all these things. 

Here are a couple of my favorite tools and then below is an article by Sales Hacker that is a very exhaustive list if you want to look for new tools. 

  1. FunnelAmplified – Of course I was going to say this, right? Ok, I am a little biased towards our Buyer Enablement platform but I do use the Personal ContentHubs and Buyer Intent Dashboard every day.  
  2. Crystal – Have you ever wished that you just knew the right thing to say to a specific person on the other end of the phone? Well, that’s what Crystal does for you. Using DISC personality profiles via LinkedIn profiles, Crystal gives you insights on how to speak, email and sell to prospects. 
  3. The Modern Seller – Amy Franko wrote an excellent book on how modern sellers need to adapt to be successful. She shares and explains 5 key traits that modern sellers must have to succeed. I think it is a must read for any sales rep or sales leader. 

So there are 3 of my favorites. What about you? Want to share your favorites with me? Use the links on the ContentHub and let’s talk. 


In the meantime, use the link below to read the whole article on Sales Hacker.  Enjoy! 

This article is published on:https://www.saleshacker.com/sales-tools/

We reviewed the entire SaaS sales landscape from top to bottom. Here’s our complete list of over 150+ sales tools (2021 update).

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