
What is Sales Enablement? Part 1

What is Sales Enablement? (Part 1)

Any tool, system, or process that can help sales and marketing teams to develop, nurture and bring on new customers…can be called “Sales Enablement” solutions

These are not owned by Sales or Marketing, but rather by both

In addition, customer experience and customer support are now also very much part of this process…like never before!

In fact, for many companies, Customer Experience can be the primary owner! 

This is a topic for another day…but just to make it interesting…think of all your salespeople becoming customer experience specialists and you’ll begin to get the idea…

The challenge with the term “Sales Enablement” is that it’s become so broad and generic that it no longer means anything specific and this makes it less relevant

If I say that I suggest you use a sales enablement process or platform, what does that mean? 

Is that an analog solution or a digital solution? 

Does that mean I prefer email marketing, content marketing, digital selling, brand advocacy, digital branding…you get my point…because it includes all of the above or perhaps just some…you really have no idea

Now there are metrics that can be applied to see what solution works best :

  • Sales activities
  • Marketing activities 
  • Leads generated 
  • Demo’s
  • New customers 
  • Account growth
  • Account retention 

However, it’s the first two that are the biggest challenge…what sales and or marketing activities get the job done in 2022, and are you measuring them through your sales enablement process or platform? 

This then will be Part 2…

#salesenablement #ceo #digitaltransformation #leadership

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