
Can professionals use social media to stay top of mind with their clients?

First off, we love Lenwood Ross at FunnelAmplified

If you are not following him, you should be because of his insights and instructions on all things social transformation. Depending on when you are reading this, he is going to be a guest on our Social to Sales Podcast in August 2021. 

In this article, the biggest question we all should ask is, 

how can we use social media most effectively?

There is a difference in how a marketing manager and a producer should look at social media. As a producer, what is most important to you in your daily efforts to connect with prospects, build relationships and show value to customers?  In real life and in social media, should these efforts and goals be any different? 

Unfortunately, often in organizations, there is a difference. Social media should be a medium to do the right daily activities. They just occur in a digital, on screen manner than in a live face-to-face environment. Other than that, there should not be a difference. Social should be social. Social should be human. 

Does this article or perspective change your thinking towards social media? I would love to hear what you think. 

Connect with me on LinkedIn (my link is at the top right of this page) or send me an email. That link is up there too. 


This article is published on:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/can-professionals-use-social-media-stay-top-mind-clients-ross/

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