
The 5 Biggest Customer Experience (CX) Trends In 2022

Are you investing in Customer Experience?

Only 29.3% of companies surveyed by Hootsuite were already investing while over 34% had not even begun considering investing in Social Customer Experience

More on all this in an article to come but safe to say there’s a lot of room for improvement with many organizations

There is nothing more cost-effective than growing your existing customers 

With all that spend to develop new customers why wouldn’t you invest in your existing customers

Customer Experience or CX is changing fast…good thing because your customers are way ahead of these changes

Some of this is driven by technology but much of it is behavior-driven

Gone are the days you could just cycle your customer service and inside sales teams through your customer lists with just phone calls and emails

Today’s customers want so much more AND they want it NOW

This is a great article highlighting some of the ways you can invest but the key is not the investment but rather realizing that your customers are now digital

Yes, there are many ways to leverage technology and digital but do you know which will work best with your customers? 

For one company, we removed all the phones from the desks of their 20+ CX agents…what happened next shocked leadership…their account growth and retention rates exploded

Want to know what they did differently? 

#digitaltransformation #cx #customerexperience #salesenablement #ceo 

This article is published on:https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2021/11/17/the-5-biggest-customer-experience-cx-trends-in-2022/?sh=2f31bc8c4cff

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